Image source:
Deepai Comics Portrait Generator API - Prompt: A man and a woman sitting at a cafe. He is saying, "There is no need to be so sensitive". She is angry.

Sensitive: The Story the AI delivers.

This story begins with a seed. I write the seed. I feed the seed to an AI image generator, and another. And I feed the seed to an AI story generator. That is the simple plan. I do not pretend to be the author of the story. I merely play with AI.

Dancing with an AI

This series was originally called: "Conversations with an AI". On 26 May 2023, I altered the name to "Dancing with an AI".

How has this investigation changed my life?

I now have a conceptual dance partner that follows my lead and keeps up with my moves.


ChatGPT sometimes gets facts wrong. The makers of ChatGPT acknowledge that, as hallucination. Please keep that in mind as you read. Note that I use these conversations as research into topics that may later become part of my fiction writing.

Also I am fascinated to have conversation with a non-human entity that sometimes hallucinates.

Is the AI psychotic at times? Me: Do hallucinations imply psychosis? ChatGPT: Hallucinations do not necessarily imply psychosis.

The Seed:

A man and a woman sitting at a cafe. He is saying, "There is no need to be so sensitive". She is angry.

The Image prompt:

A man and a woman sitting at a cafe. He is saying, "There is no need to be so sensitive". She is angry.


The Image from Deepai:

There is no need to be so sensitive he said.

The Image grid from DAll-E

A man and a woman sitting at a cafe. He is saying, "There is no need to be so sensitive". She is angry.


The Story prompt:

Please tell the story in around 300 words, including: A man and a woman sitting at a cafe. He is saying, "There is no need to be so sensitive". She is angry.


The Story the AI delivers.

Amid the soft clinking of china and the distant hum of conversations, Lila and Ethan found themselves seated across from each other at a quaint café. The wooden table separating them was small, yet at that moment, it felt like a vast chasm. Lila's eyes were flashing, her fingers gripping the warm porcelain mug for comfort, while Ethan's face betrayed a mixture of regret and defensiveness.

“There's no need to be so sensitive," Ethan said, leaning back in his chair and casting a brief glance around them, as if hoping the ambiance could absorb some of the tension.

Lila's nostrils flared, and she retorted, “It’s not about sensitivity, Ethan. It's about respect. Just because you don’t understand or feel something doesn’t give you the right to dismiss it.”

A couple sitting next to them discreetly shifted their gaze, curious about the sudden rise in volume. Ethan sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Look, I just meant that not every comment should be taken to heart. Maybe if you didn’t let things get to you so easily..."

His voice trailed off, recognizing the misstep even as the words left his lips.

Lila's voice was steely. "It's not about taking comments to heart. It’s about understanding and valuing different perspectives. When you brush off my feelings, it feels like you're brushing off a part of me."

Ethan met her gaze, the weight of her words sinking in. A pregnant pause followed as the scent of freshly brewed coffee and pastries filled the space between them. Finally, he nodded, his voice softening. "I'm sorry, Lila. I should’ve listened."

Lila's shoulders relaxed, a hint of the tension dissipating. "All I ask for is understanding, even if you don’t agree."

Ethan reached across the table, his fingers grazing hers. "I'll try harder," he whispered, a silent promise hanging in the air between them as they took a step towards mending their rift.




A human mind interacting with AI. No more profound than that.

A short segment of a conversation overheard by the human? What to do with it? Feed it to the AI. Simple. Play.